review by Quirina Geijsen

It’s Christmas time! Who better to celebrate with than the good-vibed musician brothers TRES NAVY? Their smooth, though slick RnB pop songs make for a great party. Hit OMG proves that. Tonight they’ll show what they’re made of to family, friends and fans at Cinetol in Amsterdam. To make it even better they took their band and presented us with a divine taste of what their, and most likely part of our, 2023 will look like. 

A disco ball hanging from the ceiling, oldskool RnB music in the background, plants in the back, dimmed lights and a dark stage. Cinetol’s crowd eagerly awaits TRES NAVY’s attendance. The stage presents us with what the band will look like; drums, a bass, a guitar, keys and a DJ deck. When finally the musicians get on stage, the crowd moves forward and the eager waiting is over. Two good-looking brothers on stage, the hit song OMG gets hit, and instantly there is movement. Dancing is inevitable.

Tonight, TRES NAVY teases new songs along with hitting well-received old songs. Their most popular songs like OMG, Shawty Jij Weet and Allang hit the venue. Seductive, respectfully loving songs. TRES NAVY shows us their wide range of songs going from steamy RnB with beautiful vocals to energised afrobeat tunes with raw raps and everything in between. Some songs intertwine these two vibes perfectly well. Even the grumpy bartender in the back is dancing now. 

TRES NAVY consciously show us what they’re made of. The show is made up of two parts. The first part shows us what they could do when they have their own club tour: TRES NAVY with the band performing smooth and slick songs alternated with dancing, and connecting to the crowd by sharing their story. Here they will be able to show their wide range of RnB-inspired work.

The second part is perfect for shows at clubs and parties. A steamy, hot and fast set of danceable sing-along RnB and afrobeat songs makes dancing with others inevitable. What’s good to see is that they perform both really well. They have charisma too. They show gratitude, show they’re having fun, show their emotions and to top it off they’re looking good as well. This along with their hard-working ethics, which show off on stage, will get them somewhere.

Getting back to Christmas. Christmas is an essential Holiday, celebrated with family. It’s about sharing, TRES NAVY shares with us the warm feeling they have from their sweet family, who are present today.  It’s also a time when one looks back and mostly looks forward.

You should watch TRES NAVY in 2023. Their new songs will be even more active, and more positive. Songs you will hear in clubs. OMG’s successor, multiplied by 10, is already there and it’s called Trauma. These guys know what they want. They could do great shows on stage with their band and on their own at your party in clubs. They know how to set these two vibes. 2023 will be promising.


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