Photo credit Bryony Coles

In the twilight afterglow of a summer brimming with festival appearances across Ireland, up-and-coming pop artist, FYA FOX, has dropped a crisp new single, ‘Duvet Day’, that is bound to keep the autumn fire lit.

Equal parts playful and poignant, FYA FOX explores self-empowerment as a cure to the acute, universally relatable pitfalls posed by anxiety, and the sly quicksand-comfort of reclusion found in the stifling embrace of a duvet-cocoon.

FYA’s profound, layered lyrics are delicately camouflaged within the upbeat backdrop of looping synths and waves of silky vocals – adding a refreshing dose of artistic juxtaposition to the contemporary pop scene.

‘This track is about anxiety, all those little voices, little fears and worries creeping in making you want to crawl up like a caterpillar in your duvet hiding from the world.’ FYA FOX explains. “I wanted to take back control and for anyone feeling like this, this is that hairbrush anthem they can sing to.

Ireland’s latest pop artist to storm the scene is already receiving major support across Irish national and regional radio, the UK’s BBC Radio 1 and Co-op UK, and is regularly featured on Spotify’s ‘NMF’, ‘Fresh Finds’, ‘Fresh Finds Pop’, ‘EASY’, ‘Chilled Pop Hits’, and ’New Pop Revolution’ playlists.

This highly-emotive piece of inspirational and introspective pop packs a lyrical punch, drawing perhaps the deepest connection to listeners with her undeniably catchy, clever hook (‘I’m not listening, I’m not listening…’).

Ironically, we are all defiantly – and definitely – listening.

Single artwork


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