While thematically linked to earlier tracks like ‘Undone’ and ‘Had it All’ – reflections on
relationships fated to fail and delving into the emotional turmoil that comes with romantic doom – Esmae’s latest track ‘Fire’ explores this timeless musical theme with new, unapologetic confidence. Esmae, whose previous work has already established her one of the UK’s most promising artists currently blasting through the pop stratosphere, has teamed up with musical compatriot and hard-hitting grime rapper, Onika J, on their latest single ‘Fire’ — a daring stylistic divergence that pays off.  
The merging of Esmae and Onika J’s respective artistic prowess from their usual musical spheres converge in the creation of this passionate and tumultuous hip-pop anthem of self- empowerment. In short, the product of Esmae and Onika J’s partnership is precisely what it says on the tin – fire.

Mike Finnegan from SCOOPE caught up with Esmae to dive into the process of behind powerful new project, the duality of her latest single’s central symbol – fire, thoughts on genre-sliding and stepping into the realm of hip hop from her folk, singer-songwriter beginnings, and her visions for the bright future that lay ahead.

Mike Finnegan: In many ways, your latest track ‘Fire’ is a pretty big stylistic pivot. What led you to
jump genres for this particular project?

Esmae: ‘Fire’ was driven by a desire for artistic evolution and expansion. As an artist, it is crucial to
continually challenge yourself and push the boundaries of creativity. This genre pivot allowed me to tap
into new sonic landscapes, experiment with fresh sounds, and showcase a different facet of my musical
identity. Ultimately, the decision to venture into a new genre felt right for me as an artist and has allowed
me to explore and to grow new connections. It represents a willingness to take risks, break moulds, and
connect with a broader audience. 

MF: How did you get linked up with Onika J for ‘Fire’?
Esmae: It was through a combination of networking, mutual respect for each other’s work, and a shared
vision for the project. Our collaboration began when we were introduced by a mutual acquaintance in the
music industry who recognized that our individual styles and talents would complement each other well.
After an initial meeting to discuss our creative visions and goals for the project, it became evident that our musical sensibilities aligned and that we shared a passion for producing high-quality music that resonated with both of our audiences.

MF: How was it collaborating with Onika J? Did you share songwriting duties?
Esmae:  Collaborating with Onika J was an incredibly rewarding experience. Our partnership was built on
a foundation of mutual respect for each other’s talents and a shared vision for the song we were creating.
We both contributed to the songwriting process, bouncing ideas off each other and fine-tuning the lyrics
and melodies until we were both satisfied with the result. It was a true collaboration in every sense of the
word, with each of us playing to our strengths and working together to create something special. Overall,
working with Onika J was a harmonious and creatively fulfilling experience, and I am grateful for the
opportunity to have shared songwriting with such a talented artist.
MF: Both of your respective musical strengths and sensibilities demonstrated undeniable artistic
synergy. Do you have plans to team up with Onika J again for any other tracks?

Esmae: The possibility of collaborating again with Onika J is definitely open. ‘Fire’ is clear evidence that
we have a unique chemistry that has resonated with our audience. Whilst concrete plans for future
collaborations may not be set in stone, the potential for us to team up again on new tracks is certainly
exciting and something we are both interested in pursuing.

MF: Your latest track ‘Fire’ bites – or perhaps, burns. You can really feel the tension on this track,
and in a sense, that tension being released; toxicity exorcised and set ablaze. What inspired such
palpably bitter and empowering lyrics?

Esmae: “Fire” stems from a deeply personal experience of overcoming toxic relationships and toxic
environments. The lyrics encapsulate the raw emotions of feeling trapped and suffocated by negativity,
only to find the strength to break free and emerge stronger than ever. The biting nature of the lyrics reflects the intense emotions felt during the process of liberation and self- discovery. The imagery of fire symbolizes both destruction and renewal, capturing the essence of burning away toxicity to make way for growth and empowerment. The tension within the track mirrors the internal struggle and eventual release that is felt when breaking free from toxic influences and emerging stronger on the other side. Ultimately, the lyrics of “Fire” resonate with listeners who have also experienced the transformative journey of shedding negativity and embracing empowerment. The song serves as a reminder of the inner strength we all possess to overcome obstacles and rise above adversity.
MF: That same theme of heartbreak, lost love, and the death of relationships has been explored in
some of your earlier tracks, but from a significantly different perspectives. ‘Fire’ takes that
emotional letdown head-on. Tell me a bit about the writing process for ‘Fire’ and how it differed
from your earlier work.

Esmae: Fire was originally created at a songwriting camp in Scotland. It was the final day of writing
and me and my co-writers Jemma Tweedie and Niko Westelink wrote fire, and it was lit from the
beginning to the end of the session, we knew we had created something very magical as soon as we
began. The idea came from having enough of someone/people who continually push your own
personal boundaries and make the mistake of taking kindness for weakness and push you too far. It is about realising your limits and taking back your power by ridding yourself of them and all their
influences they have had over you for too long! Fire represents the end of it – whatever ‘your it’
might be – by the end of the song it’s done! The song was then taken to amazing producers Helen
Boulding and Jonas Persson, where they created the record. At this point we recognised that ‘Fire’
could still be elevated even more. We knew we wanted a rapper and that’s when we found featured
artist Onika J, who brought the extra heat from the rap to Fire. 

MF: The majority of your previous work would primarily fall under the genre-umbrellas of singer-
songwriter and pop, whereas ‘Fire’ veered into entirely new territories, sonically. Do you have
plans or wishes to explore any other genres?

Esmae: As an artist whose previous body of work has predominantly been within the singer-songwriter
and pop genres, the exploration of new sonic territories with the release of ‘Fire’ opens a myriad of
possibilities for future creative endeavours. I am always open to venturing into new genres and exploring
other experiences as it allows artistic growth, but more importantly can provide a fresh perspective and
challenge the boundaries of creativity. 

MF: Are there any artists in particular you would like to collaborate with, respective to each
potential new area genre-exploration?

Esmae: In the realm of pop music, I would love to collaborate with Billie Eilish for her innovative approach
to songwriting and production. For a venture into rock, teaming up with the Arctic Monkeys would be a
thrilling experience due to their dynamic sound and gritty lyricism. In the realm of jazz, collaborating with
Esperanza Spalding would be a dream, as her blend of traditional jazz with contemporary elements is
truly captivating. Lastly, in the electronic music space, a collaboration with Flume would be exciting given
his groundbreaking sound design and ability to push boundaries within the genre. Each of these artists
brings a unique perspective and expertise to their respective genres, and collaborating with them would
undoubtedly result in a creative and boundary-pushing project that marries different styles and influences.
MF: When can we expect to see your next album drop, and what should we expect?
Esmae: We are already working on the new material with the next single coming out very soon. You
should expect something uplifting and very summery to be released very soon.
MF: Do you have any tour dates or festival appearances lined up?
Esmae: There’s so many exciting things planned ready for the end of Autumn and for festivals next year
but I’m not allowed to say too much just yet!


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